Planning & Community Development

The Planning and Community Development Department is committed to planning, improving, and maintaining the quality of life for current and future residents of Denison. We work towards the goals and vision laid out by the City Council, the City of Denison Comprehensive Plan, and City Ordinance. The Planning and Community Development Department helps cultivate economic development for the good of the entire community, and oversees several City divisions:

Draft CDBG 2024 Annual Action Plan

CDS Grant and Incentive Programs

The City of Denison CDBG Emergency Home Repair Program exists to assist low- and moderate-income homeowners with emergency home repairs for items that pose an imminent threat.


The Demolition Program kicked off in 2010 to address dilapidated, unsafe, and unfit structures. The program has removed blight and fire hazards from neighborhoods across Denison.

After demolition, the majority of the lots have been redeveloped, many with new affordable homes. The City continues to actively work this program and expects to continue removing 40 to 50 unsafe buildings annually, clearing the way for quality development, keeping neighborhoods safer, and helping protect property values in the surrounding area.

Rental Registration and Inspection Incentive Program

Rental Registration and Inspection Incentive Program

The City of Denison’s vision is for Denison to be a community of choice, one which citizens are proud to live in. The City recognizes the need for affordable housing options for citizens. Denison has a substantial number of rental units within the City. The Cities goal is to ensure that rental units are safe and properly maintained for the health and well-being of the Citizens of Denison.

Color coded overlay of TIRZ 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 over a satellite map of Denison

Use the buttons below to explore Denison's Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones, including maps, Final Plans, Boards, and more.
What is a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone? From the Texas Comptrollers Office: