Business Plan Resources for Breweries

I started with the Brewers Association in 2014. My goal is to engage with as many members as possible, help them maximize their membership benefits, and act as the resident resource-Sherpa to assist in navigating through the mountain of information.

In my free time I like to sip on IPAs and pilsners while playing bass loudly or petting my dogs. I openly welcome pup-pictures and all heavy/loud/noisy music suggestions.

December 20, 2018 Share Post

Many of the discussions we have at the Brewers Association (BA) revolve around resources and ideas that are specific to the beer industry. We focus on technical brewing, acquiring the right ingredients, building a brand, marketing beers, passing OSHA inspections, and complying with the TTB, among other things. Yet, there is a foundation to breweries, brewpubs, and taprooms alike, that is the common thread of all businesses. That foundation is a well-constructed business plan.

Learn How to Create and Maintain Your Business Plan

I’m often asked what business planning resources the BA provides, and I point members to our production statistics, benchmarking surveys, insight & analysis articles, and a myriad of Craft Brewers Conference (CBC) presentations covering specific business-related topics. Additionally, Brewers Publications offers The Brewers Association’s Guide to Starting Your Own Brewery, which includes guidelines for business planning and a sample business plan. Despite all this information, though, I still hear questions about the root of the business plan – where to start and how to create one. So, I’ve compiled a handful of resources to help breweries create and maintain a business plan.

We all have preferences on how we digest educational materials. So, the information below comes in multiple formats from a variety of sources. These resources are helpful whether you are looking to create your first business plan or simply want to update your current one. A business plan is a living document that should be updated regularly, rather than a ‘one and done’ springboard for prospective businesses. This is by no means a comprehensive list of resources on this topic, as there are hundreds of them available. Rather, it’s a jumping off point for members who want to establish and expand their knowledge. These resources can help us establish and refresh business plans, in addition to highlighting components we wish to explore further.

Business Plan Resources: